School Days

Decided to scan (and read!) all my school reports from Brigg Grammar that have survived the years. Interesting reading! Didn’t realise I …

Time Can Do So Much

An attempt to recreate the 1968 Oxford matriculation photo outside the Sheffield Tap in October 2012…

Walked for half an hour or so from the Snake Road summit onto Bleaklow along the Pennine Way. Half expect these wilderness …

Physio, Heal Thyself

Poor old Ziggy: after all this time treating my tennis elbow, he’s been suffering from the same complaint for 2 months! It …

Ziggy Is Pure Stardust

In previous posts, I’ve alluded to this “tennis elbow” condition that had seemingly settled in for the duration. I finally got referred …

Blessed Be The Brian

Well, I woke up this morning… No, not a blues song – far from it. There was an article about Brian Blessed …

Words (2)

So I “learnt” two new words today: donds and zedded. This is what you get for venturing into the darker regions of …

OK, you gentlemen of the press, have you really ever “hailed” someone for doing something you consider worthy? Or ever told your …

Rondo RIP

Very sad to hear this morning of the death and probable suicide of Keith Emerson. I never got beyond Pictures At An …

Well, this flaming “tennis elbow” is not going away in a hurry. The first prescription of some NSAID eased the pain for …

Daylight Foxes

Had a fox amble through our estate during the cold snap the other day – beautiful to behold. Only my second sighting …

Words (1)

Having just posted about Microsoft, and the words “pain in the arse” having strangely sprung to mind, I was thinking of a …

In Praise Of Microsoft

Certainly not praise for Windows 10, which has proved to be a significant step backwards from Windows 7 on my PC: slower …


So I went through the formal switching process to change banks, all DDs in place two days before the switchover date, npower …

Hmm… that wasn’t particularly difficult, was it? Just delete it from the template and add it to the footer menu… No need …


Went. Saw a lot of people. Came home.

Joomla copyright notice

Just a reminder to myself… Been bugged by how to remove the © notice that Joomla sticks at the bottom of every …

Catch 22

Always nice when one of your favourite books intrudes into real life. I’m having the routing problem again, Dear old Origin Broadband …

Fancy Ticklers

Saw a neat tweet from @sam_bambs today: You can spell the word ‘upside down’ upside down by using other letters of the …

VPNs Not Just For Obscurity

Unable to connect to my own website or Cpanel this morning, even though checkers show that both are up, so looks like …

Sad News?

aka “Unfortunately Guardian”. The bloody Guardian android app is becoming totally unusable with its constant “Unfortunately, Guardian has stopped” messages. And past …

The Joys of Old Age (Part 94)

Aches and pains… The doc confirmed today that I have Tennis Elbow, and used the word “degenerate” (verb, not noun): once you …