VPN change

Don’t really use a VPN very often, and PIA has been quite good enough. But it’ll soon be time to renew the …

Quite charming, really

The last couple of times that I’ve been strimming the back lawn, a (young?) male blackbird has come to have a look. …

Ton up!

Blimey – 100 interactions to a TwitterX post! 97 Likes and 3 Retweets. We live in exciting times. There were other titles …

Bye Bye, Adobe

Much as I’ve enjoyed using Adobe Photoshop over these past 4 years, it’s now time to ditch it and return to Affinity. …

Rather wonderful

Great to catch sight of a pair of buzzards circling for ages over the west side of Greno this afternoon. Not rarities, …

Not sure which is the more surprising – that Easter pic of gridlock, or this pic of an open-topped doubledecker (Peak Sightseer) …

… some time… Had an e-mail from Openreach this morning to say that they’ve added our address “to our build plans”. I …

Brief Hint Of Summer?

Weather this year has been atrocious so far. cold and rain almost every single day. But today looked promising, so an impromptu …

Spam? What’s That?

Been using Proton Mail for a whole month now, and not a single bit of spam has managed to get through to …

F***K You, HP

I really should have done more checking on people’s experiences with the HP Instant Ink scheme. I don’t print often (use scanning …

Update on “things”

Maybe it’s time to do an update after the January post…

The Peak at Easter…

Pic from themanc.com. This was Easter Sunday or Monday, taken from the top of Winnats Pass, looking down to Castleton. Utterly mind-boggling. …

So I really did do that…

I think I’m entitled to a little self-indulgence… I came across the letter I got from Oxford letting me know the results …

Letting Gmail go…

Having been on Gmail/Googlemail since 2005, I decided it was time for a change to something more decent (and less nosey). I’ve …

Things can only get better?

The to-do list grows and grows… It seems that the phone was just the beginning…

Smashing anniversary

Exactly one year to the day after the TV screen got smashed, I managed to drop my phone and cause a web …

Twitter record

I think this must be the most Likes I;ve ever had for a Tweet. It was my reply to @NoContextBrits asking “Name …

Madeleine moment

Mel bought these as a random purchase earlier this week. Just had a nibble. First impression was “yeah, it’s OK”. But then …

Browsers again

Came across a glowing review of the Thorium browser yesterday, and decided to give it a go. No installation process as such …

No way, Youtube!

This week Youtube has started complaining about watching videos with an Adblocker enabled, and threatening a ban. So, today, I finally got …

Rook luck

Surprised to see a rook in the back garden, hanging about with a magpie. Rooks are not as plentiful as jackdaws and …


Glorious sunny early autumn morning, so decided it was time to revisit Edale. Unfortunately, the plan came unstuck when we discovered that …

Elementory Ignorance

Been wondering why a Container is not showing up as an option in Elementor, even though others see and use Containers. Assumed …

WordPress Ignorance

Just discovered Softaculous’ WordPress Management over the weekend… Why did I not know this existed?! I’ve been fiddling about with a separate …