Blessed Be The Brian

Well, I woke up this morning… No, not a blues song – far from it. There was an article about Brian Blessed …

Words (2)

So I “learnt” two new words today: donds and zedded. This is what you get for venturing into the darker regions of …

OK, you gentlemen of the press, have you really ever “hailed” someone for doing something you consider worthy? Or ever told your …

Rondo RIP

Very sad to hear this morning of the death and probable suicide of Keith Emerson. I never got beyond Pictures At An …

Well, this flaming “tennis elbow” is not going away in a hurry. The first prescription of some NSAID eased the pain for …

Daylight Foxes

Had a fox amble through our estate during the cold snap the other day – beautiful to behold. Only my second sighting …

Words (1)

Having just posted about Microsoft, and the words “pain in the arse” having strangely sprung to mind, I was thinking of a …

In Praise Of Microsoft

Certainly not praise for Windows 10, which has proved to be a significant step backwards from Windows 7 on my PC: slower …


So I went through the formal switching process to change banks, all DDs in place two days before the switchover date, npower …

Hmm… that wasn’t particularly difficult, was it? Just delete it from the template and add it to the footer menu… No need …


Went. Saw a lot of people. Came home.

Joomla copyright notice

Just a reminder to myself… Been bugged by how to remove the © notice that Joomla sticks at the bottom of every …

Catch 22

Always nice when one of your favourite books intrudes into real life. I’m having the routing problem again, Dear old Origin Broadband …

Fancy Ticklers

Saw a neat tweet from @sam_bambs today: You can spell the word ‘upside down’ upside down by using other letters of the …

VPNs Not Just For Obscurity

Unable to connect to my own website or Cpanel this morning, even though checkers show that both are up, so looks like …

Sad News?

aka “Unfortunately Guardian”. The bloody Guardian android app is becoming totally unusable with its constant “Unfortunately, Guardian has stopped” messages. And past …

The Joys of Old Age (Part 94)

Aches and pains… The doc confirmed today that I have Tennis Elbow, and used the word “degenerate” (verb, not noun): once you …